Adopting from Oscar's Place
Our adoption process is an open dialogue about what you are looking for, which allows you to identify which donkeys could be perfect for your home.
Online application - This is the first step in getting the process started.
Visit to Oscar’s Place - Next you arrange a visit with madyson@oscarsplace.org
On this visit you will get a tour of our facilities and meet our herd. This will give us the chance to get to know each other, continue the dialogue and begin thinking about the perfect match. We are also committed to sharing as much information as we can and answering any questions along the way. Some adopters visited once, some visited regularly for a year.
Site visit - The final stage will be for us to do a site visit. This is just to check the shelter & fencing, and answer any last minute questions you may have.
Delivery - Transportation of your new donkeys will be your responsibility. We have transporters that we can recommend, and on occasion, we can assist with local deliveries.
Are you a first-time donkey owner? That’s okay, most of our adopters are! We are happy to answer any questions you may have about getting set up for your new family members. Feel free to call or email us anytime.
To be eligible for adoption from Oscar’s Place, all applications must provide
Oscar’s Place only adopts out donkeys as pets. We do not separate bonded pairs and will never send a donkey to live
anywhere as an only donkey.
Oscar's Place will serve as a safety net for the donkey: Adopter can always return the donkey to Oscar's Place if they are unable or unwilling to properly care for the donkey.
An ideal home for donkeys would include:
At least one acre of safely fenced pasture or turnout per donkey (e.g., two donkeys would require at least two acres)
A sturdy, clean, safely fenced corral (a smaller, separate enclosure from the turnout)
Continuous access to a weather-protected permanent shelter of no less than 12x12 feet per pair of donkeys (suitable shelters are permanently fully enclosed structures on at least three sides with a solid roof; four-sided shelters are highly recommended)
Appropriate hay/straw storage and access to clean, unfrozen water. It is unhealthy for donkeys to graze on rich green grass. We can explain in more detail on your visit, but please have an alternative to grazing during Spring months.
Donkeys must be kept at adopter’s residence except as expressly authorized by Oscar's Place and the adopter must be the primary caretaker.
We ask that the adopters commit to quarterly hoof care and annual dentals.
Cost to adopt:
Single donkey $1,000. Pair of donkeys $1,800.
We are committed to the physical and emotional recovery of each donkey that comes to Oscar’s Place and we only adopt out animals that we believe are recovered & ready. This level of commitment comes at a high cost. Our team spends 1:1 time with our donkeys every day. Feeding, grooming, treating and training; getting to know each one
and restoring their faith in humans.