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Enter the Bray of the Day Contest and Walk Away with Swag

Some folks can bark like a dog, meow like a cat, cluck like a chicken or roar like a lion. Have you ever tried to bray like a donkey? Well, you’re going to get a chance because all of us at Oscar’s Place are all-in with The Bray of the Day, a challenge that does not involve buckets of water or eating a bunch of hard-boiled eggs!

Here is how it works. Go to our Facebook Page and take a look at all of the other people who’ve already brayed in a big way. Practice a few times, and then video yourself on your iPhone for the Bray of the Day. Suggested length: No more than 20 seconds.

Post the bray video on our Facebook page at: (3) Oscar’s Place Adoption Center & Sanctuary | Facebook

After 30 days, we will take all of the bray clips and pick the best brayer of the bunch. That one gifted individual who’s able to tap into the power of brayer will walk away with a generous bag full of swag from Oscar’s Place!

For people who don’t know what a bray is, here is Merriam-Webster’s definition:


verb (1)

\ ˈbrā \

brayed; braying; brays

Definition of bray

intransitive verb

: to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey a braying donkey also to utter a sound like a donkey's bray with laughter

transitive verb

: to utter or play loudly or harshly "I'm the best!" he brayed.

So, Bray On folks, and if it inspires you to donate to Oscar’s Place in Hopland, CA, we will all bray about that together!

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Do yo have an account with a feed supply or veterinary needs. I feel more comfortable buying for them than sending money

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